Know the Rules
Have you checked out the HOA’s covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) lately? If not, now’s a great time to brush up on the do’s and don’ts of your community.
For those of you who were unaware, CC&Rs play a crucial role in keeping the association running smoothly. CC&Rs are legally binding rules and regulations that each homeowner agrees to when he or she purchases a unit within the association. If owners rent out their homes, it’s the owner’s responsibility to inform the new residents of the rules as well. CC&Rs include stipulations on assessments, building design and additions, and the governance of the association. All residents need to understand these CC&Rs so they don’t unintentionally violate them; owners can be fined by the association and—in extreme cases—sued for violating the CC&Rs. Owners are empowered when they understand the CC&Rs and the procedures for changing or amending them when they are no longer applicable or relevant to the community.
While they may seem arbitrary, the CC&Rs are legally enforceable. They also help ensure the association as a whole can thrive and that members are treated fairly and equally. So don’t be left in the dark—check out the association’s CC&Rs today!